To mark World Mental Health Day this year we are sharing some helpful tips from the Boosting Behaviour module of our Space from Depression programme on how to motivate yourself when you're feeling low.
Finding the motivation to do things can be difficult, especially if you are in a low mood or have depression. This list has lots of tips and hints that can help you get motivated.
Remember, never wait until you feel like doing something. Plan ahead, and draw support from people around you.
Use people around you to help motivate you e.g. Tell a family member about your plans so that you are accountable to them for doing it.
2. Use the five-minute rule - Start a task by telling yourself it’s only for five minutes. You may find you want to keep going after this time! Often, once you have been doing a task for five minutes it will be easier to keep going. If not, then at least you have tried and completed five minutes of the task.

3. Use visual things like posters, pictures, or stickers to motivate yourself - Some people use post-its, stickers, notes, or photographs around the house to remind and motivate themselves.
4. Make a list - Be sure to give yourself the satisfaction of ticking the items off.
Remember, it is great to feel motivated but it can take time so be patient with yourself and make sure to celebrate your victories however small they may seem. Focusing on these little victories can help to motivate us towards bigger goals as we journey our way towards feeling better.
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