Gain Access to the SilverCloud® by Amwell® platform
We believe that everyone should have access to mental health support. Our evidence-based platform exists to support individuals looking to learn skills to manage their mental health.
That’s why we work with NHS, HSE, Health Insurers, Higher Education, Employers and over 500 organisations across US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Germany & Australia to break down the barriers of access.
How can I get access to SilverCloud® programmes?
Access to the SilverCloud® programmes require a referral from one of the below sources; the platform is not available via SilverCloud® directly.

Health Insurers
Select Health Plans feature access to SilverCloud® programmes for their members. Speak to your Health Insurer to see if SilverCloud is available to you.

Either directly or through a Health Insurer, employees at some large brands can gain access to SilverCloud® programmes. Speak to your HR team or check your health plan to see if you have access.

Speak to your GP or Therapist
- GPs
- Primary Care Workers
- Psychologists & Therapists
- Your local Drug & Alcohol Services
- Jigsaw (Ireland)

Higher Education
Students at some of the top universities globally can gain access to SilverCloud® programmes via their student services department.
Universities in Ireland such as;
Trinity College
University College Dublin
(NCI) National College of Ireland
(UCC) University College of Cork
Maynooth University
(UCD) University College of Dublin
(DCU) Dublin City University
(NUIG) National University of Galway,
(UL) University of Limerick.
Universities in UK such as;
The University of Edinburgh
University of Essex
Durham University
University of Sunderland in London
Lancaster University
Nottingham Trent University

What is the SilverCloud® platform? And how can I use it?
SilverCloud® by Amwell is an evidence based digital mental health platform you can access on your mobile, tablet or laptop 24/7.
Our interactive programmes are created by experts, backed by research and based on cognitive behaviourial therapy (CBT). They are designed to help people explore their thoughts and feelings whilst learning tools to help manage their mental health.
Individuals can use the SilverCloud® platform in a variety of ways, and across a wide range of mental health and wellness topics;
Programmes can be explored independently with referral from one of the sources mentioned below
Access might be provided whilst awaiting an appointment with a therapist
Programmes can be used in-between therapy appointments
As a tool post therapy to help stay on track.
Did you know?
1M+ The SilverCloud® platform has provided access to digital mental health support to over 1 million people globally*
Up to 80% of patients show improvements in mental health & wellbeing*
Up to 65% see clinically significant improvement*
to have a comparable effect in line with face-to-face therapy**
93% user satisfaction***
1M+ The SilverCloud® platform has provided access to digital mental health support to over 1 million people globally*
Up to 80% of patients show improvements in mental health & wellbeing*
Up to 65% see clinically significant improvement*
to have a comparable effect in line with face-to-face therapy**
93% user satisfaction***
*Data from SilverCloud Health platform dashboard.
***RTC effectiveness of digital interventions for depression & anxiety.